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Yoga is the science of the spirit,
a holistic way of living life - in harmony with nature

About Us

Our Story

Shreyas is dedicated to promoting the authentic spiritual tradition of Yoga in a holistic manner and is recognized as one of the finest Yoga retreats in the world. What makes Shreyas unique is that, whilst Yoga is taught in traditional ashram style (daily yoga, meditation sessions, chanting classes, gourmet vegetarian cuisine, no alcohol policy and community service), our guests live in a luxurious environment normally associated with a star hotel. We enable our guests to integrate the manifold facets and benefits of Yoga into their daily lives without the austerity and rigor usually associated with ashrams.

We wish to give our guests a private, tranquil haven to pamper, nourish, detoxify and recharge themselves; and if they have the desire, to provide a road map to guide them down a spiritual path of self-discovery. Every aspect of our resort is dedicated to this purpose:

  • Yoga Sessions to rejuvenate and cleanse the body.
  • Meditation sessions and other yogic practices to calm the mind.
  • Spa treatments to rejuvenate the body and remove toxins.
  • Nourishing, organic vegetarian food to detoxify and heal the body.
  • An environment and accommodations, which allow the guest to benefit from the positive energy of nature.
  • Community service to experience the joy of giving.
  • Discussions on yoga philosophy and scriptures.

Situated just one hour's drive from the Bangalore International Airport, Shreyas is a sprawling oasis of green. With only 12 cottages spread over 25 acres of landscaped greenery, water bodies and organic gardens our guests are able to commune with nature and benefit from its healing power. Shreyas is a seamless blend of the modern and the timeless, luxury and simplicity, indulgence and enlightenment. The private, serene and 'simply' luxurious accommodation has been structured to make the guests feel like they are living in the lap of nature. The architecture and interiors are a confluence of traditional and the modern - tiled roofs, antique doorways and stone pillars give way to contemporary interiors and state of the art facilities.

Our Philosophy

'Athithi devo bhava' is the defining philosophy at Shreyas. This literally means, 'a Guest is to be served as God.' At Shreyas, we imbibe this philosophy broadly, believing that 'all are essentially divine' and our relationships with each other and especially our guests should reflect this. Our guests are lovingly served with unparalleled personalized attention by a staff that practices yoga and endeavours to embody this philosophy. The staff is encouraged to serve guests as part of their spiritual discipline and not just as a job or career; serving is different from being servile because the focus is on connecting with the divinity inherent in each guest. Practically, this philosophy is applied to the various tasks allocated to people at Shreyas - the kitchen staff commences the cooking process with a prayer and a chant; they adopt the correct attitude or 'bhava' whilst preparing the food; our serving staff learn the importance of anticipating a guest’s needs and serving with the correct attitude; the staff working in the gardens is encouraged to respect nature. All our staff members are taught that cleanliness is godliness and learn to apply daily attention to the smallest details. Our guests are on a journey of self-discovery and the staff at Shreyas is on that same journey.

Journey of Self Discovery

Shreyas Retreat is an initiative of Inner Challenges, a life coaching company that looks to bring the wisdom of Indian spiritual tradition into our daily existence The principal ethos of Shreyas is that spirituality and self-discovery do not just complement, but are essential in modern life and that Yoga is the ideal means to achieve this.

To read more about the Journey of Self-discovery Click Here

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