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Yoga is the journey of self discovery

Yoga & Spirituality

'Each soul is potentially divine. It is the purpose of our lives to manifest this divinity.'

These are the immortal words of Swami Vivekananda, one of India's leading spiritual reformers of the late 20th century. He was referring to the vedantic philosophy, the bedrock of Yoga and Spirituality in India. These scriptures deal with the essential questions that all of us face at some stage in our lives: What is the purpose of my life? Who am I? What is the cause of my unhappiness? How can I be at peace in this world?

The answer to any question we seek can be found within ourselves. The answer lies in our ability to tap into the inner silence - a silence that can be experienced through the processes of Yoga and Meditation. When we are in deep silence, our mind is clear, and we will see the world for what it is - an unbroken stream of pure consciousness. This Journey of Self Discovery is what is referred to as Yoga - which is a gamut of spiritual processes that harness and purify our mind/body system and allow us to look within ourselves. Yoga processes positively affect the physical, physiological, emotional, intellectual and spiritual facets of our personality. During the Retreat, we will follow the principles of Yoga as our formal training and will also learn from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - the codified philosophy that is a must for all who are interested in or are practicing yoga.

The stress of urban living leaves its imprint on each of us, the chaotic noise makes it difficult for us to hear our inner voice; at Shreyas, a spiritual retreat, we give you an oasis of calm making it easier to relax and connect with your true self. From the moment you drive through our gates you are surrounded by nature and will begin to feel its restorative, rejuvenative effects.

Shreyas is very inspired by Yoga, the Indian spiritual practice of looking deep within the Self for answers to questions of existence and being. We are dedicated to helping our guests achieve a perfect balance in body, mind and spirit, through the medium of Yoga, which is non denominational and open to people of all faiths. We demonstrate through our various customized spiritual retreat packages that contrary to popular belief - Yoga can be practiced by everyone. Yoga has an amazing effect on our body mind and energies allowing us to deal with life's bouquets and brickbats with sense of equanimity. We appeal to those who wish to understand/familiarise themselves with the philosophical tradition of India, without necessarily delving into its organised religious aspects.

For enquiries and reservation formalities, please email: reservations@shreyasretreat.com

Call Shreyas at +91 80 27737102 / 3 or +91 99161 10434

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